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Pater Noster - With respect for our nature

Our business exists on the terms of the sea and nature. We strive to ensure that we as a business and our guests have as little impact as possible on the island. We want to preserve the long culture and history of the island, the lighthouse and the lighthouse keeper families.

It is essential for us to act responsibly, think long-term and constantly work to develop our ways of working with sustainability. We see ourselves as ambassadors of the sea and our goal is to have as self-sufficient an operation as possible.

Our sustainability work is reflected in everything from our daily operations, in our kitchen, logistics and in our choice of partners and suppliers. Read more below about our sustainability work. If you would like to know more, please contact us.

Preserving and protecting our oceans
We are proud to be the world's first sponsor of Green Cubes. A Greentech initiative by Hexagon subsidiary R-evolution that aims to combat the acidification of our oceans. Read more here.

We raise issues about the ocean and science through photography. As part of Tjörn Island of Art, together with the photo gallery UpOnWalls, we have curated the exhibitions Guardian of Water 2023 and Art & Science of Water 2024.

Our staff clothing is made by Reparell, which creates sustainable clothing from ocean plastic.

Sustainable food
We prioritize local suppliers who care about sustainability and the environment, to promote local and organic production. We strive to live as close to nature as possible by utilizing the resources of the sea in a sustainable way.

Our kitchen focuses on fish and shellfish caught in the Kattegat and Skagerrak. The beautiful, flavorful seaweed is harvested around Pater Noster and used in creative ways by our chef. We also plan to start our own production of salt and seaweed products.

The island's historic lighthouse gardens are being revived with gardener Joakim Wenner from Sundsby Säteri. The work began by breaking up the soil and investigating what the conditions once looked like. A variety of crops have been planted and we collaborate with Sjöängen's kitchen garden, which supplies locally grown vegetables. Everything grown is carefully used in our kitchen.

Our coffee is produced by a small coffee roaster in Gothenburg, which has carefully selected organic beans with light roasting.

Water, energy and logistics
We respect the UN's Global Sustainability Goals, with a particular focus on Goal 6: Clean water and sanitation and Goal 14: Life below water.

We have our own water plant that desalinates and purifies seawater for drinking water.

The heating is turned off in all rooms and premises that are not in use. We reduce the consumption of hot water in the facility by using hot water controls. We aim to install solar panels to control our energy consumption.

We plan our logistics of deliveries and transportation so that there are as few trips as possible between the mainland and the island.

UN Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and Production informs the way we design our operations. The hotel's interior concept includes 70% recycled vintage design and 30% new.

On the island we have waste sorting at source. We try to reduce the purchase and use of glass and PET bottles by making homemade lemonade and using soda streamers.

We compost or donate food from the restaurant and café.

Social sustainability
Many of our employees are young people from the local area. Working with us gives them a wide range of professional experience, as their tasks are constantly changing. We train our staff in a number of areas so that they become part of our business, which is characterized by tolerance, equality and respect. We encourage our staff to spread knowledge about the island and the history of the lighthouse and to share our sustainability efforts with our guests.

We contribute to various organizations and foundations aimed at children and young people, who in various ways need help in everyday life.

We are part of Hållbarhetsklivet, which is run by the West Sweden Tourist Board, a initiative for a sustainable tourism industry.